Tuesday, March 31, 2015


fluttered through the picture book
like car crashes
ice and glass colliding, scattering
memories like snowflakes
bomb fragments
of your eyes
lips, torso
pages like pavement
flip, flip, flip,



Monday, March 30, 2015


I will lose you,
she said,
like a feather from the wing.
I am grateful,
for by knowing you,
I have learned to fly.



Christmas Lights

Strung up through the telephone
My love like Christmas lights
Still twinkles
Left parading a memory
For too long
Days coalescing together
A plastic cord
Rests between my fingers
Waits for sight to fill
The vapid air, tense
With the desire to quell
Any disaster
With paintbrush and toothpaste
As if the mantra of the symbolic
And the routine
Could have kept us safe
We shattered
Though we mimed a good
Forty thousand memories
I watched
As my words froze and sharp
To dust
Now the pages flip themselves
Clatter in a rush of finality
The end signaled
By the blunt
Wielding of a dial tone.




the feeling
that i should be bigger
more friendly
to a fault without
being embarrassed
that kind of impenetrable
confidence, the gaze
i only met in a man
as he scanned the outline of my body
for access.




Being under a microscope
Is not the same as
Being loved
It is the identical intensity
That drove Frankenstein
To his death.




Without my hand in the fire
I feel
Maybe I should
Strike a match
And walk away...



Sunday, March 29, 2015

As You Appear

I watch women
Change their appearance
As if that is the only thing
They can control
When in truth
There are hurricanes
In your eyes.



Thursday, March 26, 2015


thread tugged loose by an idea
a nail caught on a two by four
coiled from a sweater, turquoise
that you loved
as vividly
as the cells shifting
over your body
love the sunlight
unraveling the unsaid words
in your electric smile.




i could trace you
from the ghost of you
in teeny capsules
pixels of knowingness
reflecting our affectionate
respect for each other
of the Polaroid
the evidence
of a spark.




Arc of feather
Sliced through air
The foamy wave's crest
Broken, lifts
Her swollen belly
Pure as snow drifts
Melting clouds
Filtering through her wings.



Deep Blue

Pulled the ribbon
Watched its slow
Blue satin writhe
Its cerulean wreaths
From your hair
In auburn rivers
That spilt to your shoulders
Every moment
I held
The end.



Tuesday, March 24, 2015

something red

Life is beautiful
Any way you look at it
She asks me to play
I spy with her
And I let her win. 



Monday, March 23, 2015


there is something in me that folds
at every mention of your name
at every thought of you passing by
your gestures
your brisk walk
your sharp face
i turn
and reorient
myself to a world
beautiful without you
complete as soon as i allowed truth
to step out of the shadowed corners
and animate
the secrets i always kept.



in the interim

when the conversation pauses
when the adventure halts
when you face two possibilities
and a choice
will you take my outstretched
palm up,
as an offering
of comfort in the interim,
laughter in between.




you are the pin in my heart
i keep bleeding
and bleeding
though bereft
of you...



Wednesday, March 18, 2015


how can an artist create something that is not a reflection of themselves?
musicians capture moods
painters and sculptors freeze moments
why any different for a poet
every syllable, a carved
life of its own.




allowed to linger
the edges found
a convex to her concave
curve of tree trunk carved
a flower, petal, leaf
expressed in splintered
gathered images
she spoke
to the silent
tracing witness
the glaze of blossom
the outline of truth
lifting to his fingers.



would be to say

to say that memories did not flicker
in my soul, like burning candles
low-lit, wavering with the unseen
soft sigh of affection
would be to say
that the sky was not blue
and the salt did not sting
on the open wound, gentle
the soothing hand, quiet
the unspoken, understood
and the last place i
touched you, elbow
to the palm still
waits to be
illuminated again.



Monday, March 16, 2015

a vicious circle

it was a pretty circle
around a pretty bunch
of flowers
around a pretty curl
of hair
the girl, always
bending to fashion
and accommodating
and reassuring
and taking care
of everyone
but herself
she spliced
the band, in two
and walked away




the dichotomy

I had wanted to believe
in the permanence of values
I had wanted to believe
in the honest growth of things
I often sank, listless, dissuaded
by the difference
between the wish and what
I saw in you
no one would believe.




When you go through your most difficult times
When you throw up your hands
When you cry out defeat
The storm will cloud darkly
and inevitably, clear
the sky
to show
the strength you needed
you possessed
all along.



Disney Character

So this is what happens when you grow up on Disney
even when you've evolved into a feminist
even when you believe in equal
rights and equal responsibility
You still end up 
waiting for that illusion of a prince
to show up, knocking at your door
tossing pebbles at your windowpane
when you know that nothing
worth having ever
appears instantaneously
and yet you still
spend years, decades of deceiving
Yourself, singing
"I am unsure 
and incomplete..."
without you, as if solitude
were something to avoid
with both hands, dissecting
the plot lines, when you know
that clarity only distills
in silence 
when will you stop
waiting for an arrival
and create your own happiness
because you are already really real, girl 
I promise you
so go--
take on the world
and take off those plastic mouse ears
be yourself
once and for all
You are worthy
You are enough.



Textbook Perfect

Loathe the texture
Every touch, a crevice
To tear at, a cliff
Not high enough
To leap
From this distance
Off the overarching fear, the curve
Of expectation, never enough
The lesson I learned
From you.



Thursday, March 12, 2015


Love like a parapet
I want to throw myself from. 



Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Two Rocks

Faced with two rocks
And a hard place
I stared down the beaten path
And challenged its
Soft dust to rise
The tan earth's breath to speak.
Will this
Be your defining moment?
Daring, immovable she
Asked me.
From kneeling, I stood.
Absolutely not.
I will never
Let destruction create
Who I am.



Tuesday, March 10, 2015

little frog

the little frog said to the tall, proud oak
when will i grow strong and stretch
my arms out, just like you
the tall oak said, gently bending to the wind,
you are noble as you are
doubt not the strength that lies within.

the little frog asked the twinkling current of the stream
when will i be fast and shape
my own path, just like you
the bright stream replied, quietly flowing around the tree,
you are exceptional as you are
doubt not the light you cannot see.

the little frog spoke to the swirling, singing wind  
when will i rise up and find
my brave voice, just like you
the smiling sky answered, rustling leaf and rippling water,
you are, even now, invincible
doubt not your delicate heart.



Thursday, March 5, 2015


Fingers on the lips' container
The error pointing out 
Your ways, the grandeur 
Blindly hoping for better
The reality slapping truths
Into faces bottled
In faces, the little dolls
Smiling, I waited
For revelation to reveal
Your secret
Admiring the most
I sacrificed
My character for your shell.



Wednesday, March 4, 2015


in between the folds of tulle
i tucked the days and second
of us
the ticking
off minutes
until we,
the explosion,
fell quietly
tangled in the mesh, i know
you thought i
lost myself
in the gauze, i know you thought i 
could not see
through the black bars, the black caustic
screen over my heart
broken, shaking in the prison of my chest
i beheld you, finally
as you are
and calmly picked up the pieces
from the floor
how they glitter
the shards
the sequins
in my new dress.



Monday, March 2, 2015


"Love is only useful when it's useful."
I know,
I know. 
I remember
How you loved me. 
