Thursday, April 30, 2020


she hides her sadness--
the earth holds hers in petals,
falling to the ground.



Sunday, April 26, 2020

to think love

i remember when i used
to think love
was possession
and i wonder
if i've changed
or if i still believe
that's true
do i still associate
control with affection,
power with adoration,
do i still see my
edges as
other-defined ?



not backward

why would you want to go backward ?
when you know you are here right now.
why would you want to go back there ?
when you know it would not
be any different, or better,
than you left it.
why would you want to flee ?

when you have the power
to choose, in your hands.




i am safe with myself.
i am safe with my pain.
i am safe with my anger.
i am safe with my fear.
i am safe with my joy.
i am safe with my happiness.
i am safe with my peace.
i am safe with all
of my feelings.
i am safe with all
of my thoughts.
i am safe with my
i am safe with my



the absence

when things are defined as the absence
of another
what is darkness
without light, what is sorrow
without your sweet smile,
tilting upward as a new day begins
and the sunlight sweeps
across your memory.



earth cycle

i am the air
i am the clouds
i am the rain
i am the storm
i am the ocean
i am the waves
i am the shore
i am the land
i am the trees
i am the branches
i am the leaves
i am the flowers
i am the wind
i am the air.
